We are proud to be involved in the fol­low­ing research projects:


Job­st Tech­nolo­gies is a part­ner in the project BioAssem­bler, which starts Q3 2022. More details fol­low soon. 

Vis­it the project pages on bioassambler.eu and LinkedIn, Twit­ter, Face­book.    


Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be part­ner in the project PAT4CGT, which is part of the 2021 call of the EIC Pathfind­er Challenge.

The Project goal is to auto­mate online mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol to improve process­es and enable deci­sion mak­ing in cell and gene ther­a­py biomanufacturing.

You can find the PAT4CGT site here, www.pat4cgt.com


Job­st Tech­nolo­gies is proud to con­tribute in the Pen­ta (E! 9911) / EUREKA fund­ed mul­ti-nation­al project.

More infor­ma­tion com­ing soon.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion vis­it th pro­file page at penta-eureka.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/penta_project_profile-Sentinel.pdf


Job­st Tech­nolo­gies is proud to con­tribute in the EU project SIXTHSENSE to the cre­at­ing of lefe­sav­ing tech­nol­o­gy for those charged with sav­ing lives.
This warable health mon­i­tor will com­prise our Biosen­sors and Micro-Pumps for the sur­veil­lance of lac­tate and blood sug­ar lev­els. 

In the SIXTHSENSE project our unique exper­tise sur­round­ing mul­ti-para­met­ric real-time mon­i­tor­ing in nl vol­umes at very low flow rates will be applied for the devel­op­ment of min­i­mal inva­sive patch sen­sors for con­tin­u­ous lac­tate mon­i­tor­ing of first respon­ders.
As known from sports med­i­cine, a high lac­tate lev­el is a clear indi­ca­tion of exhaus­tion, a phys­i­cal con­di­tion not always rec­og­nized by first respon­ders on duty.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion see the pro­jec­t’s webiste at  https:\\sixthsenseproject.eu. flying-lab-for-blood-analysis



Job­st Tech­nolo­gies got grant­ed the new project “Microflu­idic Lab-on-a-Bird trans­mit­ter for the hor­mone lev­el mon­i­tor­ing of free-mov­ing birds”.

Sub­ject of the project with €1.52 mil­lion fund­ing from Max Planck Soci­ety Munich, is an autonomous minia­tur­ized lab­o­ra­to­ry for col­lect­ing blood, mea­sur­ing the lev­el of stress hor­mones and send­ing the sig­nal from the free mov­ing bird to the “ground station”.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies GmbH will devel­op the auto­mat­ed blood- sam­pling- and microflu­idic- sys­tem enabling inte­gra­tion and oper­a­tion of the assay. Job­st Tech­nolo­gies’ microp­umps and flow rate sen­sor will also be used as enabling components.

Project part­ners are the Max Planck Insti­tute for Ornithol­o­gy and the Albert-Lud­wigs-Uni­ver­si­ty Freiburg.





Job­st Tech­nolo­gies got grant­ed the new H2020 Key Enabling Tech­nolo­gies project 737212 — CATCH-U-DNA.

Sev­en part­ners aim to enable analy­sis for free cir­cu­lat­ing tumor DNA — a major brick in indi­vid­u­al­ized can­cer treat­ment. This project will strength­en Job­st’s van­guard posi­tion in per­for­mance micro-flu­idics and extreme bio-sensing.



Job­st Tech­nolo­gies par­tic­i­pates in the Euro­pean inno­va­tion action “LoveFood2Market” fund­ed by the Hori­zon 2020 framework.

LoveFood2Market aims to cre­ate a pre-indus­tri­al pro­to­type for mul­ti-pathogen food sam­ple analy­sis in less than 4 hours.

With a total budged of over 3.4 mil­lion EUR the project lasts from Feb­ru­ary 2016 up to Jan­u­ary 2019, and involves 7 high­ly spe­cial­ized com­pa­nies, research insti­tutes, and uni­ver­si­ty groups from Greece, France, the Czech Repub­lic, and Germany.

What LoveFood2Market aims for:

  • food­borne pathogen detec­tion (i.e. Sal­mo­nel­la, Lis­te­ria, E. coli and B. cereus)
  • rapid: results in less than 4 hours
  • mul­ti-pathogen analysis
  • mul­ti-sam­ple analysis

Technical details:

  • portable instru­ment
  • cred­it-card-sized dis­pos­able Lab-on-Chip
  • bac­te­ria lysis, DNA ampli­fi­ca­tion, acoustic DNA detection

Target market:

  • food indus­try (dairy prod­ucts and meat analysis)

Technology maturity:

  • strong com­mit­ment to achieve an indus­tri­al­ly imple­ment­ed and val­i­dat­ed sys­tem (TRL 6–7)

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies con­tributes its exper­tise in microflu­idics, assem­bly, and pre­ci­sion interfacing.

The pic­tures shows an exam­ple of a dis­pos­able micru­flu­idic card, and the cur­rent state of the flu­idic and elec­tric dock­ing sta­tion for the Lab-on-Chip.


Project on EC CORDIS: cordis.europa.eu



Con­cern for our food is grow­ing in Europe, dri­ven by indus­tri­alised food pro­duc­tion and repeat­ed crises. Cur­rent ana­lyt­i­cal tech­nol­o­gy is too expen­sive and bound to the lab­o­ra­to­ry to test more than a small frac­tion of 1% of the EUs food. This prob­lem requires more mas­sive screen­ing of food and water extend­ing from the source to the point of consumption.

A low-cost and portable sys­tem deliv­er­ing ana­lyt­i­cal data to a cen­tral loca­tion would help to pre­vent or iden­ti­fy ear­ly any food safe­ty threat out­breaks and there­by mas­sive­ly reduce human suf­fer­ing and its asso­ci­at­ed finan­cial cost on both sides of the glob­al divide.

FOODSNIFFER is field-deploy­able and sim­ple-to-use as a result of the inte­gra­tion of three major innovations:

(I) The trans­duc­er itself, an all-sil­i­con ful­ly inte­grat­ed opto­elec­tron­ic plat­form based on Broad-Band Mach-Zehn­der Inter­fer­om­e­try capa­ble of syn­chro­nous high­ly-sen­si­tive label-free mul­ti-ana­lyte detec­tion. This ulti­mate­ly-inte­grat­ed trans­duc­er due to the incor­po­ra­tion of the light-sources, sens­ing ele­ments, spec­tral analyser and pho­tode­tec­tors, in a sin­gle chip, can be used in sin­gle-shot cartridges.

(II) The inno­v­a­tive design of the wafer-scale microflu­idics and fil­tra­tion sys­tems that unbur­den the read­er of exter­nal pumps/valves, and inten­sive sam­ple preparation.

(III) The devel­op­ment of a low-pow­er read­er con­trolled by a smart­phone through a cus­tom-pro­duced application.The soft­ware con­trols the sen­sor and also process­es its sig­nal and then sends the results secure­ly via the inter­net dur­ing the on-the-spot food safe­ty analysis.

FOODSNIFFER is a com­plete busi­ness solu­tion which will be demon­strat­ed in three areas of great impor­tance to Euro­pean soci­ety and reg­u­la­tors, viz. the detec­tion of pes­ti­cide residues, myco­tox­ins and aller­gens in select­ed food cat­e­gories in order to demon­strate field-based detec­tion of harm­ful species at low con­cen­tra­tions, which is a feat unat­tained so far by any point-of-need system.



The project is aimed at devel­op­ing a ful­ly inte­grat­ed lab-on-chip microsys­tem plat­form, per­form­ing mul­ti­modal analy­sis of sev­er­al ana­lytes com­bin­ing nucle­ic acid and whole bac­te­ria detec­tion. The sys­tem will allow direct­ly and with­out pri­or cul­ture the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion in one sin­gle run of a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of pathogens and their spe­cif­ic sequences respon­si­ble will be tar­get­ed and identified.

The heart of this sys­tem will be an acoustic detec­tion biochip incor­po­rat­ing an array of Love wave acoustic sen­sors, inte­grat­ed with a microflu­idic mod­ule. This detec­tion plat­form will be com­bined with a micro-proces­sor, which, along­side with mag­net­ic beads tech­nol­o­gy and a micro-PCR mod­ule will be respon­si­ble for per­form­ing sam­ple pre-treat­ment, bac­te­ria lysis, nucle­ic acid purifi­ca­tion and ampli­fi­ca­tion as well as whole bac­te­ria detection.

Auto­mat­ed, mul­ti­scale manip­u­la­tion of flu­ids in com­plex microchan­nel net­works will be com­bined with nov­el sens­ing prin­ci­ples devel­oped by some of the part­ners. This sys­tem is expect­ed to have a sig­nif­i­cant impact in food-pathogen detec­tion by address­ing for the first time a patho­log­i­cal con­di­tion on a glob­al rather than germ-by-germ basis, while screen­ing simul­ta­ne­ous­ly for var­i­ous pathogens. Final­ly, thanks to the low cost and com­pact tech­nolo­gies involved, the pro­posed set-up is expect­ed to pro­vide a com­pet­i­tive ana­lyt­i­cal plat­form for direct appli­ca­tion in field settings.



New Nation­al Project (BMWi): “Mikroflu­idis­che Uni­ver­salküvette und Ver­fahren zur Unter­suchung des Mem­bran­bio­foul­ings”; Microflu­idic Uni­ver­sal Appli­ca­tion Cuvette for micro­scop­ic and phys­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion of mem­brane mate­ri­als and mon­i­tor­ing of mem­brane- bio­foul­ing in water treat­ment; ZIM-KF Project in coop­er­a­tion with Fraun­hofer IWM (Insti­tute for Mechan­ics of Mate­ri­als) in Halle



FP7 IP — Biosens­ing and microflu­idics for cell cul­tures and in vivo.



FP7 Strep — Bio­com­pat­i­ble wafer lev­el pack­ag­ing of true inte­grat­ed optics mach zehn­der inter­fer­om­e­ters on chip.



Microflu­idics and biosens­ing for cells on chips. Project fund­ed by the BMBF in the bio­MST programme.



Low con­cen­tra­tion oxy­gen and glu­cose-lac­tate mon­i­tor­ing. Euro­pean inte­grat­ed project in key action “com­bat­ing cancer”.



Microflu­idics rapid pro­to­typ­ing. Project fund­ed by the Fed­er­al state of Baden-Wuertem­berg on “Lab-CD” tech­nol­o­gy for med­ical diagnostics.