We are proud to be involved in the following research projects:
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Jobst Technologies is a partner in the project BioAssembler, which starts Q3 2022. More details follow soon.
Visit the project pages on bioassambler.eu and LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
Jobst Technologies will be partner in the project PAT4CGT, which is part of the 2021 call of the EIC Pathfinder Challenge.
The Project goal is to automate online monitoring and control to improve processes and enable decision making in cell and gene therapy biomanufacturing.
You can find the PAT4CGT site here, www.pat4cgt.com
Jobst Technologies is proud to contribute in the Penta (E! 9911) / EUREKA funded multi-national project.
More information coming soon.
For further information visit th profile page at penta-eureka.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/penta_project_profile-Sentinel.pdf
Jobst Technologies is proud to contribute in the EU project SIXTHSENSE to the creating of lefesaving technology for those charged with saving lives.
This warable health monitor will comprise our Biosensors and Micro-Pumps for the surveillance of lactate and blood sugar levels.
In the SIXTHSENSE project our unique expertise surrounding multi-parametric real-time monitoring in nl volumes at very low flow rates will be applied for the development of minimal invasive patch sensors for continuous lactate monitoring of first responders.
As known from sports medicine, a high lactate level is a clear indication of exhaustion, a physical condition not always recognized by first responders on duty.
For further information see the project’s webiste at https:\\sixthsenseproject.eu. flying-lab-for-blood-analysis
Jobst Technologies got granted the new project “Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Bird transmitter for the hormone level monitoring of free-moving birds”.
Subject of the project with €1.52 million funding from Max Planck Society Munich, is an autonomous miniaturized laboratory for collecting blood, measuring the level of stress hormones and sending the signal from the free moving bird to the “ground station”.
Jobst Technologies GmbH will develop the automated blood- sampling- and microfluidic- system enabling integration and operation of the assay. Jobst Technologies’ micropumps and flow rate sensor will also be used as enabling components.
Project partners are the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.
Jobst Technologies got granted the new H2020 Key Enabling Technologies project 737212 — CATCH-U-DNA.
Seven partners aim to enable analysis for free circulating tumor DNA — a major brick in individualized cancer treatment. This project will strengthen Jobst’s vanguard position in performance micro-fluidics and extreme bio-sensing.
Jobst Technologies participates in the European innovation action “LoveFood2Market” funded by the Horizon 2020 framework.
LoveFood2Market aims to create a pre-industrial prototype for multi-pathogen food sample analysis in less than 4 hours.
With a total budged of over 3.4 million EUR the project lasts from February 2016 up to January 2019, and involves 7 highly specialized companies, research institutes, and university groups from Greece, France, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
What LoveFood2Market aims for:
- foodborne pathogen detection (i.e. Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli and B. cereus)
- rapid: results in less than 4 hours
- multi-pathogen analysis
- multi-sample analysis
Technical details:
- portable instrument
- credit-card-sized disposable Lab-on-Chip
- bacteria lysis, DNA amplification, acoustic DNA detection
Target market:
- food industry (dairy products and meat analysis)
Technology maturity:
- strong commitment to achieve an industrially implemented and validated system (TRL 6–7)
Jobst Technologies contributes its expertise in microfluidics, assembly, and precision interfacing.
The pictures shows an example of a disposable micrufluidic card, and the current state of the fluidic and electric docking station for the Lab-on-Chip.
Project on EC CORDIS: cordis.europa.eu
Concern for our food is growing in Europe, driven by industrialised food production and repeated crises. Current analytical technology is too expensive and bound to the laboratory to test more than a small fraction of 1% of the EUs food. This problem requires more massive screening of food and water extending from the source to the point of consumption.
A low-cost and portable system delivering analytical data to a central location would help to prevent or identify early any food safety threat outbreaks and thereby massively reduce human suffering and its associated financial cost on both sides of the global divide.
FOODSNIFFER is field-deployable and simple-to-use as a result of the integration of three major innovations:
(I) The transducer itself, an all-silicon fully integrated optoelectronic platform based on Broad-Band Mach-Zehnder Interferometry capable of synchronous highly-sensitive label-free multi-analyte detection. This ultimately-integrated transducer due to the incorporation of the light-sources, sensing elements, spectral analyser and photodetectors, in a single chip, can be used in single-shot cartridges.
(II) The innovative design of the wafer-scale microfluidics and filtration systems that unburden the reader of external pumps/valves, and intensive sample preparation.
(III) The development of a low-power reader controlled by a smartphone through a custom-produced application.The software controls the sensor and also processes its signal and then sends the results securely via the internet during the on-the-spot food safety analysis.
FOODSNIFFER is a complete business solution which will be demonstrated in three areas of great importance to European society and regulators, viz. the detection of pesticide residues, mycotoxins and allergens in selected food categories in order to demonstrate field-based detection of harmful species at low concentrations, which is a feat unattained so far by any point-of-need system.
The project is aimed at developing a fully integrated lab-on-chip microsystem platform, performing multimodal analysis of several analytes combining nucleic acid and whole bacteria detection. The system will allow directly and without prior culture the identification in one single run of a multiplicity of pathogens and their specific sequences responsible will be targeted and identified.
The heart of this system will be an acoustic detection biochip incorporating an array of Love wave acoustic sensors, integrated with a microfluidic module. This detection platform will be combined with a micro-processor, which, alongside with magnetic beads technology and a micro-PCR module will be responsible for performing sample pre-treatment, bacteria lysis, nucleic acid purification and amplification as well as whole bacteria detection.
Automated, multiscale manipulation of fluids in complex microchannel networks will be combined with novel sensing principles developed by some of the partners. This system is expected to have a significant impact in food-pathogen detection by addressing for the first time a pathological condition on a global rather than germ-by-germ basis, while screening simultaneously for various pathogens. Finally, thanks to the low cost and compact technologies involved, the proposed set-up is expected to provide a competitive analytical platform for direct application in field settings.
New National Project (BMWi): “Mikrofluidische Universalküvette und Verfahren zur Untersuchung des Membranbiofoulings”; Microfluidic Universal Application Cuvette for microscopic and physical investigation of membrane materials and monitoring of membrane- biofouling in water treatment; ZIM-KF Project in cooperation with Fraunhofer IWM (Institute for Mechanics of Materials) in Halle
FP7 IP — Biosensing and microfluidics for cell cultures and in vivo.
FP7 Strep — Biocompatible wafer level packaging of true integrated optics mach zehnder interferometers on chip.
Microfluidics and biosensing for cells on chips. Project funded by the BMBF in the bioMST programme.
Low concentration oxygen and glucose-lactate monitoring. European integrated project in key action “combating cancer”.
Microfluidics rapid prototyping. Project funded by the Federal state of Baden-Wuertemberg on “Lab-CD” technology for medical diagnostics.