small smart solutions

Contract R&D

we offer process and product development:

  • micro­fuidic sen­sor systems
  • sen­sor arrays
  • dis­pens­ing machinery

Please get in con­tact with us for fur­ther information


“Biocompatible” Wafer Scale Microfluidic Assembly


Entire room tem­per­a­ture and sol­vent free process for wafer scale assem­bly of microflu­idics
onto e.g. bio­func­tion­al­ized wafers.




As spe­cial­ist in micro-mechan­i­cal sys­tems we offer:
  • Com­pre­hen­sive pro­fes­sion­al consulting
  • Process devel­op­ment consulting

Core com­pe­ten­cies:

  • Biosen­sors – Sys­tems and soft­ware for med­ical and biotech­no­log­i­cal applications
  • Elec­tro­chem­istry
  • Microtech­nol­o­gy



Evaluation products for professionals to be used solely for research and development purposes!
Not for medical and diagnostic use. Not to be used on humans. For more information contact IST AG.