Meet us at the 2nd WORKSHOP ON NEXT GEN ORGAN-ON-CHIP & ORGANOIDS in Gene­va, Switzer­land, August 23rd-24th, 2022.

At CSEM in beau­ti­ful Gene­va, we will be exhibit­ing to show­case our con­tin­u­ous Glu­cose and Lac­tate sen­sors for microflu­idic organ-on-a-chip (OoaC) Systems

We will wel­come you in the indus­tri­al exhi­bi­tion with a live per­fu­sion chip demo fed by our peri­staltic microp­umps for ultra-low con­trol­lable flow rates.


Con­fer­ence infor­ma­tion, 23. — 24. August 2022

Next Gen Organ-on-Chip and Organoids Workshop