Biosen­sor Sup­port Grant for CGT projects by Job­st Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

In Cell and Gene Ther­a­py (CGT) devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing exces­sive needs are placed on repeata­bil­i­tysafe­ty and qual­i­ty, as well as on process sta­bil­i­ty. Dur­ing pro­duc­tion cru­cial insights into the cells con­di­tion are gained by mon­i­tor­ing meta­bol­ic para­me­ters includ­ing Glu­coseLac­tate and oth­ers. Mon­i­tor­ing such para­me­ters is typ­i­cal­ly done by ana­lyz­ing sam­ples in large, expen­sive and com­plex ana­lyz­ing instru­ments that are not avail­able to every researcher and small­er scale company.

Unlike many oth­er bio-phar­ma ther­a­py prod­ucts, CGT is depend­ing on reli­able pro­cess­ing of small, often patient-derived sam­ple vol­umes, for which closed-loop meta­bol­ic mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol con­tribute to process suc­cess and scal­a­bil­i­ty. The biosen­sors by Job­st Tech­nolo­gies offer robust and high per­form­ing enzy­mat­ic based sen­sor com­po­nents that enable con­tin­u­ous mon­i­tor­ing as well as auto­mat­ed mea­sure­ment of small sam­ple vol­umes. To sup­port the CGT com­mu­ni­ty and advance inno­va­tion, we are pro­vid­ing select­ed projects with our prod­ucts and exper­tise to achieve such functionality.

The projects select­ed for a Biosen­sor Sup­port Grant for CGT will receive the need­ed amount of B.LV5 con­tin­u­ous elec­tro­chem­i­cal biosen­sors for the mea­sure­ment of Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate in a flow-through sen­sor pack­age. This also includes our SIX Read-Out trans­mit­ter as well as a ready-to-use soft­ware and an open com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­col. Dur­ing the project we will be avail­able to assist with sen­sor inte­gra­tion, give appli­ca­tion sup­port, and can fur­ther sup­port your automa­tion sys­tem with our CPP1 microp­umps includ­ing the uti­liza­tion of pre-ster­il­ized micro­dial­y­sis probes.

We are look­ing for­ward to get in con­tact with you and to review your proposals!







If you are inter­est­ed, please vis­it the detailed infor­ma­tion at