small smart solutions


2 new Euro­pean projects have start­ed: LOVE-FOOD and Food­snif­fer. Read more…


MKMem­bio: New Nation­al Project (BMWi):

MKMem­bio: “Mikroflu­idis­che Uni­ver­salküvette und Ver­fahren zur Unter­suchung des Membranbiofoulings”

Microflu­idic Uni­ver­sal Appli­ca­tion Cuvette for micro­scop­ic and phys­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion of mem­brane mate­ri­als and mon­i­tor­ing of mem­brane- bio­foul­ing in water treatment

ZIM-KF Project in coop­er­a­tion with Fraun­hofer IWM (Insti­tute for Mechan­ics of Mate­ri­als) in Halle.