small smart solutions


Meet us in Düs­sel­dorf at Com­pamed 2022.

Togeth­er with Inno­v­a­tive Sen­sor Tech­nol­o­gy IST AG, Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be exhibit­ing at this years COMPAMED in Düsseldorf.

We will wel­come you in Hall 8a H29 at our booth.

Com­pamed 2022, 14. — 17. Novem­ber 2022

Live pre­sen­ta­tion and Q&A:

Biosen­sors for con­tin­u­ous meta­bol­ic mon­i­tor­ing in med­ical devices

Mon­day the 14th of Novem­ber from 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm
at the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM by IVAM, Hall 8a, Both 8aG40


Meet us at the microTEC Süd­west Clus­ter Con­fer­ence, Freiburg, Ger­many on May 18th — 19th 2022

After 2 years of post­pon­ing, microTEC Süd­west Clus­ter Con­fer­ence is back and we are now thrilled to be part of this years event. The Clus­ter Con­fer­ence focus­es on excange of impor­tant future trends and new fields of appli­ca­tions as well as net­work­ing between research and edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions and com­pa­nies from the region and far beyond.
We will be joined not only by our par­ent com­pa­ny Inno­v­a­tive Sen­sor Tech­nol­o­gy IST AG, but also by our newest mem­ber in the group Infra­sol­id GmbH which we warm­ly welcome. 

microTEC Süd­west e.V. did put togeth­er again a high­ly inter­est­ing pan­el of speak­ers and inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies to high­light their tech­nol­o­gy and products.

We are espe­cial­ly glad for the opputu­ni­ty to wel­come stu­dents in the field to meet us and also for the chance to net­work with all oth­er exhibitors!

Be invit­ed to vis­it us at the beau­ti­ful Freiburg Con­cert House and join our pitch talk on May 18th.


Fair infor­ma­tion, 18. — 19. May 2022












Meet us at the Med­ical Tech­nol­o­gy UK Exhi­bi­tion in Coven­try, Unit­ed King­dom, March 16th-17th, 2022.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be show­cas­ing con­tin­u­os biosen­sors joint­ly with the phys­i­cal sen­sor port­fo­lio of Inno­v­a­tive Sen­sor Tech­nol­o­gy IST AG.

Vis­it us at stand num­ber 108 for our full sup­port of enhanc­ing your sen­sor data for intel­li­gent med­ical devices.


Fair infor­ma­tion, 16. — 17. May 2022












Meet us at the 5th Point-of-Care Test­ing Sym­po­sium in Munich, Ger­many, Sep­tem­ber 27th-29th, 2022.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be show­cas­ing con­tin­u­os biosen­sors for crit­i­cal care mon­i­tor­ing at the 5th POC Test­ing Sym­po­sium of renowned Klinikum rechts der Isar.

We are exhit­ed to be part of the indus­tri­al exhi­bi­tion at this med­ical-pro­fes­sion­al ori­en­tat­ed sym­po­sium orga­nized by
the POCT Sec­tion of the Ger­man Soci­ety for Clin­i­cal Chem­istry and Lab­o­ra­to­ry Med­i­cine (DGKL),
the Heinz-Nix­dorf-Chair of the TUM and the Insti­tute for Clin­i­cal Chem­istry and
Patho­bio­chem­istry (Klinikum rechts der Isar der Tech­nis­chen Uni­ver­sität München),

Vis­it our booth to con­nect and exchange about mak­ing crit­i­cal meta­bol­ic para­me­ters avail­able to care givers and doc­tors 24/7 with­out man­u­al inter­ven­tion needed.


5th POC sym­po­sium, Munich, 27. — 29. Sep­tem­ber 2022












Meet us at the Medte­cLIVE with T4M in Stuttgart, Ger­many, May 3rd-5th, 2022.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be show­cas­ing con­tin­u­os biosen­sors joint­ly with the phys­i­cal sen­sor port­fo­lio of Inno­v­a­tive Sen­sor Tech­nol­o­gy IST AG.

Vis­it our joint booth for our full sup­port of enhanc­ing your sen­sor data for intel­li­gent med­ical devices.


Fair infor­ma­tion, 03. — 05. May 2022

MedTec Live t4m












Meet us at the 2nd WORKSHOP ON NEXT GEN ORGAN-ON-CHIP & ORGANOIDS in Gene­va, Switzer­land, August 23rd-24th, 2022.

At CSEM in beau­ti­ful Gene­va, we will be exhibit­ing to show­case our con­tin­u­ous Glu­cose and Lac­tate sen­sors for microflu­idic organ-on-a-chip (OoaC) Systems

We will wel­come you in the indus­tri­al exhi­bi­tion with a live per­fu­sion chip demo fed by our peri­staltic microp­umps for ultra-low con­trol­lable flow rates.


Con­fer­ence infor­ma­tion, 23. — 24. August 2022

Next Gen Organ-on-Chip and Organoids Workshop