small smart solutions


Meet us at the 2nd MPS World Sum­mit, Berlin, Ger­many.

We are eager­ly await­ing the sec­ond instal­la­tion of this spear­head­ing con­fer­ence and sum­mit about emu­lat­ing human biol­o­gy for patients’ ben­e­fits, reduc­ing ani­mal test­ing and faster and saver drug development.

Our unique Biosen­sors for con­tin­u­ous­ly mea­sur­ing Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate in  Organ on a Chip and oth­er micro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tems will enable deep­er insights into these organ­isms and allow sophis­ti­cat­ed algo­rith­mics and AI to gen­er­ate bet­ter mod­els and pre­dic­tions of MPS.

We will join the sec­ond sum­mit of the 2022 found­ed Inter­na­tion­al MPS Soci­ety (IMPSS) and present our offer­ings, prod­ucts, and tech­nol­o­gy to the attend­ing visitors.

MPS World Sum­mit, Berlin, Ger­many, 26. June — 30. June 2023




Meet us at React4life, BIC-FILSE, Genoa, Italy.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies is among the few com­pa­nies exhibit­ing at the first Organ on a Chip Mater­Class 2023.

We will bring our unique flow through cells for con­tin­u­ous­ly mea­sur­ing Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate in per­fu­sion streams of OoaC Systems.

Look­ing for­ward to engage with our fel­low exhibitors as well as all the participants.

Organ on a chip Mas­ter­Class, Gene­va, Italy, 24. Jan­u­ary — 25. Jan­u­ary 2023




organ on a chip, microphysiological systems, tissue chip, masterclass, hands-on training, workshop, course, react4life, azar innovations, cellec biotek, microfluidics, tumor microenvironment, oncology, immuno-oncology
CELLEC BIOTEK AG devel­ops and com­mer­cial­izes per­fu­sion-based biore­ac­tor sys­tems for 3D cell cul­ture. The result­ing tis­sues are used as advanced mod­els of devel­op­ment, phys­i­ol­o­gy, pathol­o­gy, and drug test­ing, and prospec­tive­ly as engi­neered grafts for tis­sue and organ regeneration.


Insphero, organ-on-a-chip, microphysiological systems, organoids, spheroids, MasterClass, training, azar innovations, tumor microenvironment, tumor spheroids, oncology, immuno-oncology, metastasis
InSphero sets the stan­dard for in vit­ro test­ing of nov­el drugs in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal indus­try. Found­ed in 2009, InSphero’s patent-pend­ing tech­nolo­gies and meth­ods enable large-scale, repro­ducible pro­duc­tion of scaf­fold-free 3D micro­tis­sues for appli­ca­tion in the field of liv­er safe­ty, meta­bol­ic dis­ease, and immune oncol­o­gy. In recent years, inno­v­a­tive organ-on-chip con­cepts for automa­tion-com­pat­i­ble mul­ti-organ exper­i­ments have been pre­sent­ed, ele­vat­ing in vit­ro test­ing to a next lev­el of phys­i­o­log­i­cal relevance.


organ on a chip, microphysiological systems, tissue chip, microfluidics, azar innovations, training, workshop, course, hands-on lab skills, jobst technologies, biosensor
Job­st Tech­nolo­gies is the glob­al com­pe­tence and per­for­mance leader for biosen­sor mon­i­tor­ing appli­ca­tions. The microflu­idic oper­a­tion of the mul­ti-para­met­ric sen­sor sys­tems allows for real-time mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol of meta­bol­ic para­me­ters (Lac­tate, Glu­cose, Glu­t­a­mine) crit­i­cal for organ on a chip systems.


Microfluidic chipshop, organ-on-a-chip, microphysiological systems, organoids, spheroids, MasterClass, training, azar innovations
Microflu­idic Chip­Shop is one of the lead­ing microflu­idic prod­ucts and ser­vice providers. A unique fea­ture of the com­pa­ny is its cat­a­logue with a huge vari­ety of off-the-shelf microflu­idic com­po­nents and sys­tems, allow­ing a low-cost rapid access to lab-on-a-chip tech­nolo­gies, such as Organ-on-Chip.


React4life, azar innovations, organ-on-a-chip, tissue chip, microphysiological systems, training, workshop, masterclass, course, hands-on
React4life is an Ital­ian biotech com­pa­ny which patent­ed MIVO® (Mul­ti In Vit­ro Organ).
This cut­ting-edge micro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tem enables researchers to over­come the lim­its of cur­rent in vit­ro assays and ani­mal mod­els. It improves the reli­a­bil­i­ty and pre­dic­tiv­i­ty of sev­er­al appli­ca­tions: phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drug-test­ing, per­son­al­ized med­i­cine, nov­el immuno-oncol­o­gy ther­a­pies, cos­met­ics, der­ma­tol­ogy, and nutraceutical.


Meet us at the Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe, Sep­tem­ber 6th — Sep­tem­ber 7th, 2023.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be part of the Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe Event. The meet­ing pro­vides a plat­form to strength­en the euro­pean capa­bil­i­ties in cell and gene man­u­fac­tur­ing and ther­a­py devel­op­ment through build­ing net­works with­in Europe as well as world wide between glob­al Lead­ers in the industry. 

Togeth­er with the oth­er attend­ing Tech­nol­o­gy and Ther­a­py Lead­ers we will present our biosen­sors as solu­tions for Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate mon­i­tor­ing in Cell and Gene Ther­a­py R&D and pro­duc­tion.

Vis­it our booth to con­nect and exchange about mak­ing crit­i­cal meta­bol­ic para­me­ters avail­able for advanced data pro­cess­ing and automation.


Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe, Lis­boa, Por­tu­gal, 06. Sep­tem­ber — 07. Sep­tem­ber 2023


Biosen­sor Sup­port Grant for CGT projects by Job­st Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

In Cell and Gene Ther­a­py (CGT) devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing exces­sive needs are placed on repeata­bil­i­tysafe­ty and qual­i­ty, as well as on process sta­bil­i­ty. Dur­ing pro­duc­tion cru­cial insights into the cells con­di­tion are gained by mon­i­tor­ing meta­bol­ic para­me­ters includ­ing Glu­coseLac­tate and oth­ers. Mon­i­tor­ing such para­me­ters is typ­i­cal­ly done by ana­lyz­ing sam­ples in large, expen­sive and com­plex ana­lyz­ing instru­ments that are not avail­able to every researcher and small­er scale company.

Unlike many oth­er bio-phar­ma ther­a­py prod­ucts, CGT is depend­ing on reli­able pro­cess­ing of small, often patient-derived sam­ple vol­umes, for which closed-loop meta­bol­ic mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol con­tribute to process suc­cess and scal­a­bil­i­ty. The biosen­sors by Job­st Tech­nolo­gies offer robust and high per­form­ing enzy­mat­ic based sen­sor com­po­nents that enable con­tin­u­ous mon­i­tor­ing as well as auto­mat­ed mea­sure­ment of small sam­ple vol­umes. To sup­port the CGT com­mu­ni­ty and advance inno­va­tion, we are pro­vid­ing select­ed projects with our prod­ucts and exper­tise to achieve such functionality.

The projects select­ed for a Biosen­sor Sup­port Grant for CGT will receive the need­ed amount of B.LV5 con­tin­u­ous elec­tro­chem­i­cal biosen­sors for the mea­sure­ment of Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate in a flow-through sen­sor pack­age. This also includes our SIX Read-Out trans­mit­ter as well as a ready-to-use soft­ware and an open com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­col. Dur­ing the project we will be avail­able to assist with sen­sor inte­gra­tion, give appli­ca­tion sup­port, and can fur­ther sup­port your automa­tion sys­tem with our CPP1 microp­umps includ­ing the uti­liza­tion of pre-ster­il­ized micro­dial­y­sis probes.

We are look­ing for­ward to get in con­tact with you and to review your proposals!







If you are inter­est­ed, please vis­it the detailed infor­ma­tion at

Meet us at the Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe, August 31st — Sep­tem­ber 1st, 2022.

Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be part of the Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe Event. The meet­ing pro­vides a plat­form to strength­en the euro­pean capa­bil­i­ties in cell and gene man­u­fac­tur­ing and ther­a­py devel­op­ment through build­ing net­works with­in the UK and Europe as well as to glob­al Lead­ers in the industry. 

Togeth­er with the oth­er attend­ing Tech­nol­o­gy and Ther­a­py Lead­ers we will present our biosen­sors as solu­tions for Glu­cose, Lac­tate, Glu­t­a­mine and Glu­ta­mate mon­i­tor­ing in Cell and Gene Ther­a­py R&D and pro­duc­tion.

Vis­it our booth to con­nect and exchange about mak­ing crit­i­cal meta­bol­ic para­me­ters avail­able for advanced data pro­cess­ing and automation.


Advanced Ther­a­pies Europe, Lon­don, 31. August — 01. Sep­tem­ber 2022