Meet us in Düs­sel­dorf at Com­pamed 2022.

Togeth­er with Inno­v­a­tive Sen­sor Tech­nol­o­gy IST AG, Job­st Tech­nolo­gies will be exhibit­ing at this years COMPAMED in Düsseldorf.

We will wel­come you in Hall 8a H29 at our booth.

Com­pamed 2022, 14. — 17. Novem­ber 2022

Live pre­sen­ta­tion and Q&A:

Biosen­sors for con­tin­u­ous meta­bol­ic mon­i­tor­ing in med­ical devices

Mon­day the 14th of Novem­ber from 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm
at the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM by IVAM, Hall 8a, Both 8aG40