Job­st Tech­nolo­gies / IST AG will exhib­it at the 24th µTAS con­fer­ence 2020.


The con­fer­ence is shift­ed to an online for­mat where we will exhib­it on our spon­sor page.


Be invit­ed to also join us on the indus­tri­al stage stream on Thurs­day the 8th of Octo­ber 2020 at 10:20 US East­ern time / 14:30 UTC / 16:00 Berlin time titled NANO/ MICRO FLOW SYSTEMS, AND BIOSENSORS.


We look for­ward to meet­ing you online!


µTAS 2020 – online event from the 4th to the 8th of Octo­ber 2020.